Coupons And Co-Pay Assistance
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Co-Pay Assistance Programs
Co-pay assistance programs are often funded by patient groups or medical foundations. These programs provide direct financial assistance to patients who need help paying for prescription medications and qualify for the programs’ medical and financial requirements. Patients can apply directly for these programs, or physicians or pharmacists may apply on a patient’s behalf.
Co-Pay Vouchers
Co-pay vouchers, or coupons, for prescription drugs are provided by some pharmaceutical companies and often distributed by a physician or pharmacist to the patient. In some cases, you may also find the coupons or vouchers online. A voucher may eliminate a patient’s co-pay or reduce it to a specific price. A voucher is typically used for brand-name medicines. While Medicare’s subsidized prescription plan, Medicare Part D, and Medicaid prohibit the use of vouchers, some enrolled in Medicare Part D may be eligible to use them if the plan’s out-of-pocket maximum has been reached. It’s still unclear, however, what the roles of vouchers are in the health exchanges, so please check with your individual health insurer for more information if you’ve purchased a plan on a health exchange.1
Visit Partnership for Prescription Assistance for a listing of co-pay assistance programs or speak with your doctor’s office to find out if co-pay vouchers are available for your medicines.

Barriers To Access
There are several reasons why you might not be able to get the prescription medicine your doctor believes is the best treatment for your disease or medical condition.
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